
Thursday 24 October 2013

Control RGB LED with ATmega16A

(Deutsche Version) RGB LEDs are pretty interesting (e.g. if they are in an LED strip). Today, I want to explain how to control an RGB LED with an ATmega16A. At first a short introduction to the RGB LED: I use this LED from Tayda Electronics. This LED consists of three different LEDs which are all in the same body. Therefore, there are 3 pins for the different LEDs and a common cathode (-). If you apply a PWM signal to these 3 pins, you can control the color of the LED. I use the ATmega16A because the ATmega8 only has 2 PWM channels, this is not enough for 3 pins. This should cover the basics for an RGB LED, here is the code which runs through the whole colour space:

#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>

int main(void)
  DDRA = 0xFF;//Output
  DDRD = 0xFF;
  ICR1 = 256;
  TCCR2 = (1<<WGM20) | (1<<COM21) | (1<<CS20); // PWM, phase correct, 8 bit.
  TCCR1A = (1<<WGM10) | (1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1B1); // PWM, phase correct, 8 bit.
  TCCR1B = (1<<CS10);// | (1<<CS10); // Prescaler 64 = Enable counter, sets the frequency
  double rCounter = 255;
  double rMax=255;
  double bCounter = 255;
  double bMax = 180;
  double gCounter = 0;
  double gMax = 70;
  int stages = 0;
    switch (stages)
   case 0:
     bCounter --;
     if (bCounter <= 0)
    stages = 1;
      case 1:
     gCounter ++;
     if (gCounter >= 255)
    stages = 2;
   case 2:
     rCounter --;
     if (rCounter <= 0)
    stages = 3;
   case 3:
     bCounter ++;
     if (bCounter >= 255)
    stages = 4;
   case 4:
     gCounter --;
     if (gCounter <= 0)
    stages = 5;
   case 5:
     rCounter ++;
     if (rCounter >= 255)
    stages = 0;
 OCR1B = (int)(bCounter*bMax*bCounter/255/255);
 OCR1A = (int)(gCounter*gMax*gCounter/255/255);
 OCR2 = (int)(rCounter*rMax*rCounter/255/255);



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